In accordance with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which promotes fairness and transparency for all individuals in respect of their personal data: I don’t collect your data, except for the email address you provide by subscribing to my newsletter. By subscribing, you consent to the collection and use of such email data as follows: (1) your email is collected on a MailChimp mailing list, which is used only to send my newsletter; (2) And that’s it! I won’t store your personal data, except on MailChimp, or share your data with any third parties, except MailChimp (which transfers data outside of the European Economic Area to the United States under protection of EU/US Privacy Shield). In accordance with the GDPR, information will only be shared outside these bounds “if required by law, to protect the life of an individual, or to comply with any valid legal process, government request, rule or regulation.” That very unlikely scenario aside, your email is safe with me. Thanks!